One Man’s Ceiling is Another Man’s Floor
Day 5 of my blog! Still counting down the days until Lita & Jean: Memoirs of Two Generations of Military Women is published!
Well, well, well!
If any of Paul’s songs ring more accurate than this one, please tell me what it is!!!
Who are these people who refuse to get vaccinated, then end up catching Covid, clogging up the ICUs, and taking resources away from people who need them? Why can’t they realize the “butterfly effect” of their actions crossing the planet one cough at a time until we reach record numbers of deaths?
#paulsimon, you were years ahead when you wrote this gem!
*To those that CAN NOT get vaccinated, please STAY HOME.
*To those that CAN get vaccinated (if you haven’t already), please GET VACCINATED /Boosted NOW!
*To those already vaccinated and boosted….THANK YOU!!!
*To those who simply refuse to be vaccinated…. why can’t you see the damage ‘anti-Vaxers’ have already done by overwhelming the health care system? Don’t you know “One man’s ceiling is another man’s floor!’?