Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes
Four days of blogging down! The countdown until we are published continues!!
The Footwear handed out in basic combat training (BCT) was nothing like what Paul sang about in “Diamonds on the Soles of her shoes.” Just the opposite actually, the Army issue combat boots were heavy black leather, unforgiving to the novice feet and hell on the shins, at least for the first few weeks of wear! When I went through BCT, we wore combat boots everywhere, to and from classes, to and from chow, even during physical training (PT); I think it’s safe to say we lived in them. The first couple of weeks were the worst! Not yet ‘broken in’ or softened and molded to fit comfortably. We all suffered from each painful step. Those boots were my least favorite part of basic training!
But like the hundreds of thousands of troops before me and after me, I got through with blisters, shin splints, and callouses. To this day, I am not a fan of shoes or boots that extend up to my calf, and I don’t think I have spit-shined a pair of boots since! Give me those diamonds on the soles of my shoes; let me try that for once! Give me soft cushiony pillows of footwear. Let me find shoes that gently hug and coddle my feet. For once, I want to wear shoes that feel just as great at the end of a long day as they did that morning. If you’ve found them, be a pal; let me in on your secret shoe source!