The coast

Hello! Welcome if you are new to our page! If you’ve been reading along, then welcome back! If you don’t know about our memoir, which is now available for pre-order, let me tell you about Lita & Jean: Memoirs of Two Generations of Military Women.

I am the fortunate mother of two of the best human beings on earth (I may be slightly biased)! Kym Murphy, my youngest daughter, is so much more brilliant than I am. Let’s say that math has NEVER been my strong suit. Kym is a regional manager for a major mortgage company. She has blessed me with three PHENOMENAL grandsons: Sean, Devin, & Trevor.

Jean Marie, my eldest daughter, and I served in the Army, though we enlisted nearly 20 years apart. She served for six years enlisted, then went on to earn her commission through OCS. Jean Marie was critically injured in her last days of her Chemical Officer Basic Course, and that injury ended both of our military careers. We co-wrote our military memoir, which will be available on March 29th.

That’s the back story… to lead up to the publication date, I am posting a daily blog inspired by a song from Paul Simon. His songs have helped me through my entire life! We have 45 more days ‘till our book is published, and this is day 27 in a row of my blog.


El Condor Pasa


April come she will