Baby driver
So, we’ve made it to day two of my blog posts! I’m working my way up to March 1st (29th) when our book will be released!
Today we will talk about driving; Paul Simon did at least two songs related to driving. I’m not counting “America” because that song will need its own special day!
“Baby Driver”
Many people don’t really like to travel, especially if they travel by car. I’m probably one of the few who actually prefers to travel by car. I enjoy watching the scenery roll by, the quiet if I’m alone or everyone else in the car is sleeping or otherwise occupied. I often imagine where the other drivers on the road with me are going on their journeys. I may think to myself: that trucker is taking it slow because he isn’t due into his next stop till the morning. He doesn’t want to while away his time sitting at a truck stop, so he’s carefully timing his trip and doesn’t care if everyone on the road passes him…. but that camper driver is hauling ass because he wants to get settled into his new campsite before the sun goes down and he has to find a flashlight. And don’t get me started with drivers that “play checkers,” jumping cars from one lane to another with inches to spare! If I’m in a mellow mood, I might think: Damn! He just got “the call,” his wife is having the triplets, and he really doesn’t want to miss their birth! Give him room, people! But then again, if I’m frustrated, I could just as easily think to myself: what an ass! I hope he gets caught by a speed trap up ahead! I’ve driven many thousands of miles and have seen at least a dozen fatal car crashes, so I know the power of these metal boxes we move around in! So, no matter what kind of mood I’m in, I’m always watching for the other guy to drive recklessly and do what I can to avoid them! And I always, always, wear my seatbelt!