Day 107, post-pub date.
I’ve got not one but TWO daughters hurtin’ today!
As I mentioned yesterday, Jean Marie had a mouthful of oral surgery yesterday and didn’t sleep at all last night due to pain. Today, Kym got stung or bitten on the top of her foot. She put on her muck boots, and something inside the boot attacked her foot. She said the pain was instant and an 11 on the 10-point pain scale. (Extended scale, which includes a lot of swearing) She thought she had someone how broken her foot! Don’t worry; she is elevating, icing, taking Benadryl, and keeping an eye on it. For now, she’s done working on the farm for today! Hopefully, tomorrow is less painful for both of my girls!!
I spent the day on the ancestry website, adding another slew of folks from the late 1800s to the tree and discovering new tidbits of information for each of them! I like reading the obits of ancestors. They usually include the highlights of a person’s life. One gentleman, a lawyer by trade, joined the Army as a private during WWll (even though he was a lawyer!!). That shocked me! In this day and age, education = rank. And at the war’s end, he was involved in writing the peace agreement between the US and Japan! I sure hope they upped his rank by then!!!! I haven’t sent for any records from the Archives / NPRC yet. This gentleman’s history should be fascinating. I’m looking forward to reading it!
Another gentleman on an in-law side in this branch I’m working was killed in Viet Nam; I should have grabbed his name for my spreadsheet when I first spotted that little detail, but I didn’t, and he will have to wait ‘till tomorrow.
Finding members of the family who also served in the US Armed Forces and delving into the past and their lives is by far my favorite past-time. I think it has become an obsession. It is utterly absorbing, and I forget about everything else. If it weren’t for Jean reminding me about mealtimes, I would forget to emerge from the lives of the long dead in time to eat many days!
But I’m done for today, and I guess I owe you a song.
Since I’m still shaking the family tree for relatives who served in the military and yesterday was the official opening of the 988-phone line for mental health care, -Paul Simon’s “The Riverbank” will do just fine to suit the mood!
We are still losing too many veterans to suicide every day.